Author: punelinhol

Peppermint oil comes from the peppermint plant, which is a hybrid of spearmint and water mint. People have used peppermint oil for centuries to treat a range of illnesses, including digestive conditions, colds, and headaches. However, according to the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH)Trusted...

Positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract And intestinal parasites Treatment of bloating and heartburn and its prevention And treatment of gastric ulcer Improve memory And focus on regulating blood sugar And diabetes control Lower blood cholesterol Regulate blood pressure Natural painkillers for the joints And headaches increase the capacity of the immune system Improves osteoarthritis, gingivitis,...

Rose has numerous properties such as preventing cancer, improving gastrointestinal function, treating stress and anxiety and strengthening the immune system. Mohammadi flower is a kind of rose that is very fragrant and has a mild nature. The medicinal properties of this plant have been known for...

Thyme is a plant with many properties that today we often use it dried and as a seasoning in food. From time immemorial thyme with its many healing properties has had a special place among people of different ages. Thyme is not only one of the...

compounds found in plants. For instance, the heart medicine digitalis was derived from the foxglove plant. Active ingredients and herbal medicine Herbal medicines contain active ingredients. The active ingredients of many herbal preparations are as yet unknown. Some pharmaceutical medications are based on a single active ingredient...